Blades team meeting: SAT. Feb.24th at 2pm

We will be having board elections and an update on what the Blades have been doing and where we are heading with future teams, games, tournaments and fundraisers. There will be pizza, soda and beer. There are rumors of being able to watch some prior Blades games on Mark’s new HD big screem TV too. If you cannot make the meeting, we need you to vote on-line in a future e-mail which will come out soon.

Bring your photos of the Gay Games to share too. Thanks, Brynne

People running for the board: Brynne, Evan, Maureen, Dave H., Peter W., Jay, Paul B., Mark

2006 Gay Games

2006 Gay Games
Hollywood Blades at the Gay Games

Mark wins outstanding team service plaque

Mark wins outstanding team service plaque
Mark, Brynne and Evan